Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Disaster Relief

It has just turned 10:00 here in Houston,TX and this little lady is T-I-R-E-D. I got a good nights sleep, but my day has been a bit of a disaster. To be more specific, my day has suffered from the effects of Hurricane Luke. And for all mothers out there, you know exactly what I am talking about. The two year old body is something else. It is up and down and round and round without stopping or resting. And when the 2 year old body runs out of gas, it can go hours and hours on fumes alone. And for a large part of today I followed in the wake of my tazmanian devil smelling his stinky fumes and growing more exhausted with every step. But to give a more realistic picture, I give you the anatomy of my day:
The Lord heard my silent prayers and allowed Luke to sleep until 8:30 am.

Shower, breakfast and some cartoons followed.
Played with other kids downstairs and then cried when we had to go upstairs.
Rocked him for 30 minutes until he fell asleep for nap.
30 minutes later... he woke up and would not go back to sleep.
Mommy tucked him in on the sofa to watch Nemo while I folded clothes.

A little voice begged for "Momma, lay down" so momma laid down hoping to take a nap.
Nemo ended and momma and baby are still awake.
Playing and painting.

Painting turns into crying when Luke jabs himself in the face with the paintbrush. Sobbing ensued.

Luke climbs onto the bathroom counter and starts hamming it up with his reflection in the mirror.

The empty clothes hamper becomes a cave for crawling in.

Dinner with Nana, PawPaw and Aunt Roo. Pretty good spirits all around.
Terror begins when we arrive home, with boxes, at 7 pm:
Luke throws the folded clothes on the floor.
Luke climbs into and around boxes and rips a few in the process.

Luke throws toys and shoes all over the room.
Luke wants a bottle so mommy cleans some out.
Luke grabs a box of kleenex and shreds some tissue on the ground.
Luke grabs some clean bottles and spreads their pieces all over the living room.
Luke gets a bottle, but refuses to drink it.
Mommy rocks Luke for 10 minutes and puts him to bed.
Luke wakes up and cries.
Mommy lies on the floor beside the crib and rubs his back through the bars.
Luke grabs mommy's hand throught the crib bars and falls asleep holding hands with mommy.
Mommy wipes a tear and thanks God for such a sweet baby.

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