Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday Night Fever

Something wonderful has just happened. So You Think You Can Dance has started again. This show is the only thing I watch every summer. And I am hooked. Not just me, but my whole family and many of my friends. I literally get excited on Wednesday morning because I know I get to watch some dancin' in the evening. My family and I even go to the concert when it goes on tour. We have been two years now and can't wait for the third. Because of my unyielding love for the show, I have decided to write a little snack about the show, and my thoughts on it, every Thursday. This is my contribution to the show I love. If you aren't interested in my thoughts and opinions, or if you don't care about the show, then skip right over this blog - it won't hurt my feelings. But for everyone else... eat your heart out, and let me know your thoughts too!

Day one of the dance competition and it is already shaping up to be a really good season. I continue to dislike Mary Murphy and her stupid "hot tamale train". But Adam Shankman is growing on me (even if he did start crying like a little girl). I am pleased to say that I enjoyed 8 out of the 10 routines - that is very good stats for the first show. I could have done without the Broadway routine and the Cha Cha. My favorites of the evening were:
the first hip hop routine,

the contemporary routine,

the crash test dummy routine

and the Bollywood routine.

I know it's early but I already have my eye on three guys and three girls for the finals. Here are my top guy choices:


My fan favorite vote goes to PHILLIP.

I don't think he'll win but I really like him.

For the girls, I am liking:



My fan favorite vote here is for Melissa, the ballerina.

She looked so good in her routine but I am thinking she may be a one-trick pony. We will have to wait and see how she does in other genres.So that's it for day one. I am hoping none of my favs go home tonight. I am worried for Tony because I like him and Paris, but they didn't bring their A game. Until next week...

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm, love me some Dancin'! I, too, get excited each Wednesday morning when I think of what I have to look forward to that evening. HOWEVER, this past Wednesday, there was a storm blowing across the Dallas area, and the STUPID news channels thought they needed full coverage on all the rain & wind, so i sure did miss the entire first hour and 15 minutes of dancing! I was SOOOOO MAD!!! All I caught were the last 4 dances, which were all really good. I hate the stupid local news...Can't wait to read next weeks recap! :)
