Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Edition

12 Things I Did for Christmas:

1. An ornament exchange
2. A treasure hunt
3. Made Gingerbread Cookie

4. Sang Christmas Carols
5. Snuck into a Movie
6. Ate Peppermint Ice Cream
7. Saw 5 Movies
8. Played 3 New Games
9. Drank Champagne
10. Cleaned up Loads of Wrapping Paper
11. Ate Monkey Bread
12. Looked at Christmas Lights Twice

It was a magical time for us. It seemed like my favorite time of year just flew by. Luke enjoyed his presents and the attention he received when opening them. He was a real trooper and handled the events of the morning like a pro. And this week has been one long play time filled with him running from one new toy to the next. It seems he has completely forgotten the old toys and is obviously favoring the new. Oh how quickly we forget. But since the hubbub of Christmas we have been pretty relaxed around here. There have even been a couple of days when we didn't make it out of our pj's. Those are the good days. I received a ton of gift cards from family folks and ended up with a nice stack of new books. Admittedly, I am in a vacation mind-set and schedule. Which means I am staying up late reading or watching "How I Met Your Mother" and I am taking all the naps I can. I had three goals for my Christmas break: exercise all I can, nap all I can and read all I can. So far so good on all counts. Getting back in the daily grind will be tricky indeed. But like any good procrastinator would, I am putting that challenge off for another couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that you are liking How I Met Your Mother! We knew you would! We, however, are NOT liking Glee...sorry, we tried!
