Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Yesterday I was sick. I had a bad case of the stomach yucks. I stayed in bed most of the day and took a 3 hour nap with my baby boy. It felt so good. Still, yesterday was not my favorite day. But today I woke up and felt better. Much better. So much better, in fact, that by naptime (10:30 am) I was already claiming that it was "a good day". And as Luke laid down for nap, I began thinking about what makes today so good. The answers came rapidly. And I became aware that a lot of the things on my list today, would be on my list everyday... they make everyday good. Thus, the My Favorite Things List was conceived and here it is in all it's glory:

1. A good book. This is my "TO READ" bookshelf. It is always fully stocked. I buy books faster than I can read them.

2. The view from my balcony. It is a little piece of country right in the middle of the city.

3. My bath tub. I am nice enough to share it with my toddler, thus all the bath toys.

4. Brownie samples at H-E-B. They may be messy but they are worth it.

5. Getting a new movie in the mail from Currently I am watching Season 3 of One Tree Hill (a very guilty pleasure).

6. Crayola bath tub crayons. They make my little guy feel like a regular Picasso. He gets so inspired that his art often escapes the tub and finds its way onto other canvases around the house.

7. A vanilla iced coffee from McDonald's. I get one every Monday morning and whenever else I can justify it as a necessity. Which turns out to be pretty frequently.

8. The in-car DVD player. Because it does this to my child...

...well, the whole

tv zombie thing is actually quite scary...but we both love how it makes a trip so much shorter.

9. My son's wonderful dancing.

It brings a smile to my face everytime he gets his groove on.

10. Funny little animal noises that come

from the mouth of one funny little babe.

So in a nutshell... I am a grateful girl today. It is a great day. Because of these ten reasons and also because I am not glued to the toilet. Can I get an amen? Amen.

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