Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Listamania 2.0

Here is another list for all of you list lovers. This one is a bit more personal than the last one, and also a little more abrasive. I'm all for looking for the bright side of life and seeing that glass half full, but sometimes there are things that just get under your skin. The pet peeves of life. And I must admit that I have quite a few. But to maintain interest, and to make sure I don't look like too much of a jerk, I will limit it to five of my peeviest peeves. So without further ado...

Listamania 2.0 - The Pet Peeves

1. Repeating myself. For some reason this just really irritates me.
I can handle one repetition, but more than that and I turn in to the Hulk.

2. People who honk at you the moment the light turns green.
My car has no get up and go. It takes a while to build up speed.

3. Watching TV with other people and having them talk over the dialogue.
That is what commercials are for.

4. Drama. I admit that I have had dramatic moments myself,
but being around people who thrive on and create drama
on a regular basis just drains me.

5. When they make a movie out of a book and completely
change the story. I watch the movie because I liked the book,
so why are we changing it?

Oh, and I also wrote another blog yesterday, but it was posted under 7/12/10. Here is the link if you want to read it, it is about gossip.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Drama
    2. Missing any part of a movie or tv show that I haven't seen.
    3. slow golfers
    4. slow drivers (unaware drivers) who stay in the fast lane when there is no one in the right lane.
    5. Arrogance. Probably because I see it so much in my life.
