Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sing, Sing a Song

I must begin by saying that I am a little emotional as I write this. It has been one of those nights when the blinders have come up just a fraction and my limited scope has gotten a little bit clearer. And what I have seen with these new eyes just astounds me. There are joys in this life that words can not explain. There is kindness among friends that this heart can not contain. There is peace among sorrow that my mind can not full fathom. When you take all of these observations and wrap them up into a small concise package, the word is grateful. I am full of gratitude at how God is moving in my life at this moment. The dots in my life just seem to keep connecting, even when it seems unlikely, into the most beautiful and elaborate pictures of mercy and grace. It feels like I have travelled so very far during this short life of mine. And yet, I have barely scratched the surface of the plans God has for me.

Over a year ago, I started this blog and faced the task of trying to decide what to call it. It was a different time in my life, a time of complete confusion and gnashing of teeth. But even then, I knew that there was much to be grateful for. Even in the desert place, my cup runneth over. Even in my darkest hours yet, I still had more than I could have asked for. And in His faithfulness, the Lord continues to provide. The people, places, promises and purposes I have in my life are filling my heart with joy. I have transitioned into a new life. I have metamorphosed into a new creature and dang, it feels so good. I found this verse yesterday, as I rummaged through my Bible for hidden treasures, and it captures my spirit perfectly:

"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy" - Psalm 126:5

I have a song to sing, a song of humble gratitude and complete thankfulness.


  1. I praise God for you and for what He's doing in your life.

  2. Made me cry a little bit reading this one Les. I love you!
