Saturday, December 5, 2009

Joining the Snow Brigade

Everyone is posting about snow these days. Because lets face it, snow is headline news in Texas. And here, in my part of the big H-town, we were blessed with snow as well. It lasted from 8:30 to about 3:30 and of course, it was a BIG deal. Unfortunately, at our house it never stuck. But it was still a unique experience that Luke and I got to enjoy together. It was a vast improvement over last years minor snowfall, when the sheer coldness of it made Luke cry. This year there were mittens and hats to block out the cold. And because of this, he did not want to go back inside. It was poor mommy who could not handle the cold and forced us inside for some warmth. However, like a good mom always does, I had my camera on hand to capture some of the fun. It was a magical day full of sweet, magical moments in the snow. So even though our snow day pales in comparison to the ones that other Texans are experiencing this week, we took every advantage of it. Who knows, we may not see it again for another 5 years.

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