Sunday, December 6, 2009

Good Deeds and Foolishness Run Amuck

I am fairly certain that my son is going to be something great in this world. He will change lives and lead the way in world peace. Ok, so these are lofty goals but they are not born from nothing. Earlier this week, my son and I partook in some all-American do-goodedness that he took right to. I had promised my son a trip to the park, in the cold, as a reward for helping me make Christmas gifts. As we were enjoying the park, two dogs came running up the busy street. We convinced them to come over to us and of course Luke was automatically in love. They followed us home and we took them in and gave them water and warmth. They were with us for about four hours and Luke was worried sick about them every minute of that time. He wanted to pet them and chase them and play outside with them. It was pretty sweet, actually, how devoted Luke was to those strange dogs and how much he wanted them to "find mom". My heart swelled with pride to see such compassion in action and to witness such joy on his sweet face.

And now for the foolishness I promised. This Christmas season I wanted to start a new
tradition. So I instituted a Dinner & a Movie schedule which involves a movie and dinner every weekend until New Years. The catch is that all of the movies are Christmas themed. Trust me, I have it all planned out. So far we have only had one movie, and it was Elf. Our dinner was spaghetti and meatballs, without the syrup, and peppermint ice cream for dessert. We listened to Christmas music, drank wine and sang karaoke. And of course, there were accessories to wear. I labored over making elf ears which turned out looking more like donkey ears or "mouse ears" (as Luke says). Either way, it was a sight to behold. It was a fun night and an excellent start to a new tradition. Dinner & a movie #2 plays next Sunday. It promises to be another night to remember.

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