Sunday, November 22, 2009

You've Got a Friend in Me

This weekend I was Dallas-bound for a little R&R with the best friend and her fabulous family. Her family recently added a new addition about 5 weeks ago and I was anxious to hold that little guy. So I committed myself to driving the 4 hours it takes to reach their house. It is not the best drive ever, especially when you are travelling solo. But my ipod and one Mr. Nicholas Sparks helped considerably on that front.

I had expected a stay-in weekend of baby cuddling and girl-talk. However, the Skaggs had other things up their thrifty sleeves. We had not one, but two nights of activities. It was fun to get out and about in Dallas and to explore the DBU campus and the downtown holiday festivities. And the other perk was that I got to hang out with some old UMHB friends that I hadn't seen in a while. There was laughter and Cattan-playing and some Christmas Merryment.

I arrived home today, ready to see my toddler and excited about the week ahead. A few more days of school and then a long holiday weekend. I can't believe there is only 2 weeks left of school. The countdown begins. But before I sign off for the night, and cozy myself into bed, I want to leave you readers with a brief rundown of why I love the Skaggs family.
- They are a back-to-the-basics family that is not showy or fancy in any way.
- They laugh at all of my jokes and make a few of their own.
- They are honest about everything and are accepting of your honesty as well.
- They are models of how a healthy family runs and operates on the day-to-day.
- They are the same in public as they are behind closed doors.
- They know how to save a buck.
- They are easy to talk to.
- They know my past and are not afraid to make fun of me for it.
- They know what they like and aren't afraid to ask for it.
- They value their friends and make every effort to hold them accountable.
So there you go. Some good reasons that explain why I would be willing to drive 4 hours, alone and in the rain, to spend the weekend with them. Plus, they sort of asked me (in a round about way) to write a list on my blog about them. Doesn't make it less true though.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for saying I'm not fancy. And thanks for the list, and for all the sweet nothings about us. And thanks for coming up here :) Love you!
