Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weird-List Wednesday #1

I really like Wednesdays. It has a little to do with Glee and a lot to do with the feeling of another week being half way over. In my reflective moments, I am not a huge fan of the passing of time - it goes too fast and before you know it your baby is 2 and a half and you are almost thirty. But, when we consider the week, Wednesday just means you are halfway to the weekend and fun things happen on the weekend. Bottom line: I like Wednesdays and so I am now instituting weird-list Wednesday. As the name implies, I will be making a list on Wednesday of things that seem interesting or important to me, but are probably inconsequential to everyone else. This serves two purposes, you get to know more about my inner thoughts and I get to make lists. It's a win-win.

For this weeks list, I had a hard time debating between two topics. But ultimately, it came to what I could no to stop dwelling on and what I needed to get off of my chest. A few days ago, in my birthday post, I discussed my feeling that my flaws were getting more pronounced. This is so true. Or maybe I am just much more aware of them. Either way, it is annoying now to be both acutely aware of my flaws and also unable to find the drive to stop them. At least before I was blissfully unaware of my need to change, now I am just too set in my ways to try. But, I digress, this weeks list is all about...

Things I Need to Change, but Probably Won' t Anytime Soon

1. My annoyance of people who have a different opinion than me

on something that I am pretty passionate about.

2. My desire to confront and verbalize my feelings when I feel wronged.

3. My love for teen dramas and other overly unrealistic dramas.

4. My un-involvement in matters of current events, both local and national-

except for those steeped in the world of pop culture.

5. My preference for a casual laid back look that generally requires

very little effort and doesn't always show my best.

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