Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hello, McFly

These days, my head is filled with so many facts that I feel like it might explode. I am really liking all the new tricks this old brain is learning and I feel my mind growing ever bigger. But... this body and this brain are TIRED folks!! Only 5 more weeks to go in this semester and I am feeling the weight of all the work. It's crunch time for me. Time to do a gut check and just suck it up. Grin and bear it. Bite the bullet. Go big or go home. You get the point. I am regretting adding another class that is only 8 weeks long. This class is fast and furious and not all that exciting. But... the show must go on. (Man, this post is full of cliches). I have another History test to take on Friday morning and I am cramming info into my brain as fast as I can. Who knows how long it will stay there but for now it is trying to take root.

Things that keep me sane:

- This weekend, because my family and I (minus the squirt) are going to New Braunfels to relax and unwind. And I need it (read above paragraph to see why)
- This weather. It has been so nice that we have taken every opportunity to go outside and be active. Today we went to a picnic in the park and it was really beautiful and fun.
- My new Sunday School class, which I am liking a lot. I am on the verge of throwing myself into the mix with reckless abandon. But for now I am on the outskirts, testing the waters.
- The holiday season and the plans that are already brewing.
- Being nearly done with my Christmas shopping for Luke.
- Having a good excuse to let the baby sleep in my bed last night. He was feverish and I needed to keep an eye on him). Who doesn't love to cuddle their little one every chance you can?
- Planning a vacation for next year.

Well, this post marks 5 more weeks of long, tedious hours of school punctuated with active hours of mothering. Makes for one exhausted me. Off I go to study for my test. All work and no play make Leslie an A student. TaTa.

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