Tuesday, October 13, 2009


About 8 years ago, a group of life-long friends welcomed me into their fold. I will admit that this was done rather reluctantly at first and that it took me a while for them to recognize my value but none-the-less I eventually clawed my way in. And from that point on I was there to stay. It has been 3 years or so since we have all lived in the same town, but us four ladies (also known as the 4 friends) are not so easily disbanded. We have remained close through moves, both in and out of the country, marriages and babies. And we have tried really hard to maintain these ties. This weekend was one of those calculated attempts at sustaining the friendship. We set up a "girls weekend" of fun and excitement. We didn't get to go where we wanted, but plan B worked out just as great. It was a weekend full of girly movie watching (Whip It!), pedicures, games and late night gabbing. As it turns out, all of us have something heavy going on in our life right now and it was very cathartic and helpful to get to lay it out there and talk and cry over it all. Well OK, only one of us cried... but the rest got close.
I was, and remain, very thankful for these friends o' mine. God has a unique way of putting you with people who possess the ability to encourage you and motivate you. I was blown away by the ease with which we could all speak and interact, even after months of not seeing each other. It is an awesome thing to know that God take each of us through our own trials and pains, according to what we can bear. And while our pains are not the same, we can all share them and help each other through the process.
I left this weekend feeling renewed and refreshed and thankful for my friends and family. All in all it was a very good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. its funny to me that the friend that cried was the one who never cries, and we had a hard time knowing how to console her. also, you look really strong in that 3rd picture. Lastly, I love you and hope to get to see you again soon!
