Monday, May 4, 2009

Girls Gone Wild

Back in the good old days I lived down the street from my closest friends and we hung out together all the time. Fast forward several years and those friends are spread in different towns, doing different things that take us away from each other more often than not. Needless to say, we don't get much quality time together. And that is why I was so excited to have a Girls Weekend with 3 of the 4 friends in College Station this past weekend. We did some very girly things and had some extremely girly conversations but had a blast at every turn.

We had some shake-ees.

Prettied up our feet with some pedi's.
(note the fanciness on the big toes)

Toured the vineyard and winery, Messina Hof.

And tasted some home-grown wine.

But what Girls Weekend would be complete without some Harry Potter and a lengthy discussion and debate over Gilmore Girls? There was plenty of those things and also lots of laughter. I encourage all of you women out there to make some time for a Girls Weekend. There is nothing greater than hanging with the girls and laughing until it hurts. The fourth friend couldn't be with us this weekend and we missed her greatly. Here's to friends... bottoms up!

And in other weekend news: Luke took a field trip to my aunt's neighborhood to feed the ducks at the pond. We headed toward the pond with gusto; Luke was shouting "Duck!" and carrying our buns...

We found the ducks and there was a lot of excitement...

Then the bread throwing ensued (the loud quacking you hear is my aunt)...

But the ducks weren't interested in our bread and quickly swam away. It seemed that the duck-feeding tutorials were awash. However, we did find another use for our bread-bait...

... when life hands you lemons, make some lemonade.

After our duck disappointment we headed to the park for some spirit-lifting. The playground wasn't quite right for Luke, but Nana had a great time trying the equipment. And Luke had a great time making fun of her...

I guess it's never too early to develop the instinct to laugh at others. Like mother, like son.

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