Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Movin' On Up

As a mother, you sort of tie in your success as a mother with the milestones that your child reaches. It shouldn't be a competition, but for the competitive sorts, like me, it can be that. I like to see where my child falls on the charts. Most of that happened in the first year with the crawling, walking, teething, pulling up tasks. Now that we are approaching year 2, the milestones are not as frequent but they are more challenging. Now we are trying to tackle talking, reasoning, memorization, recognition and all those other mind tasks. And so I want to take this moment to brag on my child. He has just turned 20 months and he is cruising along the developmental track. Everyday is something new and surprising and I am often floored by what comes out of his mouth and what I catch him doing and trying. So here is the wrap up:

We have not had much trouble with him letting me dress him. He has been a real helper in that area for a while now. But in recent weeks he has started trying to dress himself. He can say "shorts", "shirt", "shoes" and "socks". So we have all the essentials. He has started to pick out what he wants to wear and has me help him put it on. And being ever so fashionable, my son is in to layering. He continues to bring me article after article and gets upset when I refuse to put the clothes on him. His opinions are definitely developing and showing themselves.

The last time I dropped Luke off at his Grammy's for the weekend she asked me what the word "six" is being used for. She said he had been saying it a lot and that she couldn't decide what he was trying to say. At this age he is attempting a lot of words and sometimes they are hard to decipher. It can be a guessing game of what he is trying to say. And I assumed that that was the case here as well. But the next day, he was lining up his crayons and saying "Two, Six, Nine". He was counting!! I could not believe it. He has the sequence pretty far off... and I don't know why those numbers stuck out to him... but he is counting none the less. I am shocked... and very pleased. When we go down the stairs he counts them as well, and every time it is the same 2-6-9.

As for swimming, he is doing really well. He obviously can not swim yet but he is trying. He loves the water and has never had a problem jumping in or putting his face int he water. But that was the extent of it. Since starting swim classes he is moving a bit more. He starts kicking and paddling as soon as he hits the water and will reach for whatever he wants. And in his class they do this thing called "monkey hands". Basically that means that they walk themselves around the edge of the pool with their hands until they can stand up. He is a champ at the monkey hands. He can monkey his way all around the pool. He has even started doing monkey tricks by hanging on with one hand. It is pretty cute.

And lastly, he is talking in sentences. When did that happen? It just sort of started all of the sudden. One day it was "house" and "dog" and then he woke up and said, "what is this?". And this is the sentence of the day. Everything is "what is this?". Even if he just asked you, he will get on a roll and ask you the same thing 3 more times before he moves on. It is cute, but also annoying. He can also ask "what happened?", "where did it go?" and "who is that?". So now I can actually talk to him. This is good since I spend most of my time with him. But I think my favorite thing is when he grabs my hand and says " come on, mommy" or "hand,please" and then leads me here or there. It touches my heart that he wants to be with me and wants me to experience things with him. I love that.

He is not a baby anymore and I find it hard to admit that. He is getting bigger everyday and he is not looking back. I love having this little person around that I can play with and talk to and laugh with. But when I rock him to sleep or hold him as he cries I hold on a little bit harder and stay there a little bit longer. Before I know it he will be too big and he will not want mommy as much. I am thrilled to say that we are starting the potty stage after vacation. It will be hard work but I will not regret being able to go through the grocery store without having to spend $15 on diapers every week. Look out world... my baby is moving on up!!

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