Monday, June 7, 2010

Me and My Lobsters

Have you ever seen the Friends episode where Phoebe calls Ross Rachel's lobster? Well, if you haven't, you should. It's a really good one. The point behind this is that lobsters mate for life and finding the right one is like finding your perfect partner. It is a nice theory. But currently, I do not have a lobster. I am not even in the tank. But I do know what it feels like to have people in your life that "complete you". Even this statement is not entirely accurate, because I don't think anyone can or should complete you. But, it comes to close to what I want to say which is, in summary, that the people in my life are doing a pretty good job of fitting themselves together to form a wonderful picture of love and support around me.

Recently, I have been attending a Bible Study where we discussed the church as a body. In this study we talked about how everyone plays there own part in the larger whole. One is the arm, one is the knee, or the eyebrow... well you get it. And every person has a function that sets them apart from the others. Separate but equal. And I like this metaphor... A LOT. I think I like it because it represents that we are not alone. We are part of a larger body. And what is more is that it brings to the forefront that we are not meant to be alone. An arm by itself can not do anything, it is just a creepy appendage without use. But put it on the body and it holds a hand, swings a bat, cooks a meal, saves a life.

There is no doubt that I am what you would call a "people person". In fact someone told me yesterday that I get energized by other people. And this is a truth. A life without people just would not do. Do I sometimes get annoyed or irritated with these people in my life? Absolutely. But should I have the misfortune of being stranded on an island, all alone, I do not think I would stay sane for long. And what I love about this "body" analogy is that it can also be used to describe me and my life. If I were the body, then these people in my life make up the pieces of me. Now, we could get spiritual here and say, God is the essence of me. This is a true statement. But, I also think these people in my life are not here by accident. They are here for a reason and they are all individual ingredients to this delicious dish (thats right, I just called myself a dish). So, in honor of my friends and family, those people who I depend on, I want to acknowledge the role you play in my life. (this is by no means an exhaustive list)

Mom - you are my conscience. you always steer me in a direction that seems solid and safe. sometimes we agree on the course, and sometimes not. but you are there to guide without fail.

Dad - you are my heartbeat. there has never been a time when you were not steady and constant. I can always count on you to bring me back to equilibrium.

Sister - you are my breath. you keep me going, you warm me up, you are there when I am strained, excited or in need of peace.

Luke- you are my heart. you bring everything together for me. i feel your presence in all i do.

Sara - you are my eyes. i have seen so much life, humor and love through you. you have shown me friendship and beauty.

Cohorts - you are my funny bone. this is an essential piece of me. you keep me from taking myself too seriously.

Carly/Jacob - you are my ears. you have taught me so much about listening to the needs of others and going where you are needed. you have helped me to hear what i needed to hear when it mattered most.

Brook - you are my neck. you hold me up when i feel downcast. you help me to keep my chin up and my eyes on the prize. you are a great support.

Lars - you are my arm. you keep me reaching for more. you have taught me to be of use and to serve.

LeeLu - you are my mouth. i have loved every second of sharing my story and my life with you. you keep me laughing, sharing and speaking the truth.

Josh - you are my brain. you help me to sort things out and think things through. you have helped me realize there is a time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to lead and a time to follow.

Jeremy - you are my feet. you challenge me to go and be in the mix, not on the sidelines. you keep me on my toes and ready for movement.

Sylvia- you are my hands. you have taught me how to reach out and embrace life and to use what i have to make something beautiful. you have shown me to hold on to whats important and to find things to create and enjoy.

Jerry - you are my spine. you are always there when i need you. you bend over backwards to help keep me in line.

Jason - you are my stomach. sometimes you get me worked up, sometimes you get me laughing hysterically but you are an important piece. you have helped me "digest" the things of this life.

Of course there are more, but this list is getting long and my eyes and fingers are getting tired. If you are part of my life, you are an essential piece of me. If you know that you are loved by me, then know that you are part of what makes me who I am. I am grateful for you and I have humble gratitude for the kindness you show me in so many ways. Thanks to all.

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