Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Listamania 6.0

I know that I have had lead fingers lately when it comes to this blog - meaning that they have leaned toward the heavy side. My blog is direct reflection of my life, so if I have been clunking through the last through posts it was because I was clunking through some moments in my life. Never fear though, because everything always ends up better than alright. And this season of my life is no different. My dad, sweet and honest man that he is, recently told me that my blog was starting to get a little depressing. I took his subtle advice and digested it. As luck would have it is a Wednesday, which means it's a Listamania day. What better way to fight the blog blues than with a little list? So... this one's for dad, and all those others who are tired of hearing me mope.

I actually stole this idea from someone else's blog. But it was such a good one that I don't feel at all bad about it (thank you Trey Weise). As summer has officially come to a close, the weather, and the activities that comprise said season ,are saying farewell. I will miss the sights, sounds and smells of summer. This revelation made me think about my senses, all 5 of them in fact, and the wonderful ways I use them on a daily basis. So, this weeks list is about favorites. It is my fab 5 favorites of my fab 5 senses. You better buckle in, because things are about to get crazy.

Things I love to smell:
1. sunscreen
2. men's cologne (especially Beckham for men)
3. wood burning
4. the river
5. bacon frying

Things I love to look at:
1. sunsets
2. the stars on a clear, dark night
3. Christmas lights
4. fall colors that pop against gray skies
5. flowers in full bloom

Things I love to hear:
1. good vocal harmonies
2. night time noises during the summer
3. rain outside my window
4. my little guy laughing wildly
5. music on the classical guitar or piano

Things I love to taste:
1. chocolate milkshakes
2. the first few sips of Dr.Pepper from the fountain
3. hot chocolate
4. strawberries
5. cheese

Things I love the touch of:
1. my baby boy's cheeks
2. blankets all around me in a cold room
3. hands holding mine
4. sand between my toes
5. water as I swim

There are other things that I love. But this list could get long and then no one would want to read it. I am going to take some advice from The Office's Michael Scott and K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Stupid. Happy Wednesday all!

1 comment:

  1. "goin' to the chapel"... the best vocal harmony of all time :)
    Oh, and I totally know Shane, his kid goes to my kids school, and I've totally talked to him. I'm cool like that.
    Oh, and you still haven't called me.
