Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bona Festa!!

Today is my Blogger Birthday. I have been dishing on my thoughts and feelings for a year now. I admit that in the past few monthes I have been cheating on Blogger with my new obsession, Facebook. I am what you would call "late to the party" on the whole Facebook thing and since I started I have been addicted. I have found that I can say with one wall post a summary of what I would say on here. That being said, I still have a soft spot in my heart for blogging.

I have entered this new phase of life and I have met some amazing new friends. While they do not replace the comfort and familiarity of my old friends they are providing the support and encouragement I need right now. But I have also been challenged by them in certain ways. Yes, it feels good to open up and trust again and to share life - the good and bad- with others. However, with that there is also a temptation to become emotionally attached to people.

I have been there before. I have hung on the words of people whose opinion I valued greatly and I have been devestated when they inevitably hurt or disappointed me. And that is a slippery slope because it eventually leads to having others determine your worth. So, I am proceeding with caution. I am telling myself to trust in God first and others second, and third and fourth.

I realize that I am a person of intense emotion and it makes me feel better to share it with people. And this is a good thing. Life is meant to be shared. But there comes a time when it is just you and God and you have to trust that. So, I am going back to the basics. The good news is that I can share my feelings with you readers and not get attached. So thank you, faithful few, who still care what I have to say. I value your responses but I do not depend on it.

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