Monday, February 15, 2010

Did I Stutter?

Many of you are parents, and if you aren't then you at least know a kid or have been around one. And in that case, you know that they say the most honest and hilarious things sometimes. My little monkey has been chattering away lately. In fact, his teachers at school say that he jabbers non-stop. I love that he is expressing himself and that I don't have to try and read his mind to decipher what he needs and wants but sometimes all this talking leads to some rather strange conversations. Here are a few examples of Luke one-liners that have tickled my funny bones and, on occasion, made me stop and think:

Me: "Are you a boy or a girl?"
Him: "I a boy."
Me: "Is mommy a boy or a girl?"
Him: "You are just a mommy."
Me: "OK, but am I a boy or a girl?"
Him: "Mommy is just mommy."

This next conversation happened first thing in the morning as we were laying in bed trying to wake-up. Please note that there was nothing on TV and that prior to this we were silent.
Luke: "Mommy, I like girls?"
Me: "What?"
Luke: " I like girls."
Me: "Oh, that's good."
Me: "Let's play with your airplane."
Him: "Where are my kids?"
Me: "What kids?"
Him: "My kids. I need my kids."
Me: " I don't know where they are."
Him: "My kids are downstairs. Be right back."
Seconds later he came back holding several Little People boys and girls that do indeed fit inside the Little People plane.

This next scene happened at my grandparents house, in their backyard, on the swing set. They have two separate swings and Luke was sitting on one while I pushed him.
Luke: "Sit there, Mommy. Swing with me."
Me: "Mommy can't swing on that swing, it's for kids."
Luke: "Oh. Your booty's too big?"
Me: " Yeah."

And lastly, there was this little jewel that happened tonight as I was escorting him to his room for bedtime.

Me: "Let's go to your room and I will rock you."
Him: "I don't want to."
Me: "Go to your room. Mommy will come to."
Him: "You are bossy, Mommy."
Me: "I'm bossy?"
Him: "Yes. You are bossy."

His little words and thoughts are sometimes charming and sometimes cut right to the heart of your insecurities. But, it is so sweet to hear him speak his mind and discover his voice. And at times I think that he is the funniest and smartest kid on the planet. My baby boy is growing up and changing everyday. I can not believe that he is already two and a half. It truly does go so fast. One day they are little babies needing you every second of every day and the next day they are talking about girls and kids. I am in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. great post, Les! Can't wait to spend more time with that sweet boy of yours :)
