Wednesday, November 25, 2009

As a parent, there are good days and bad days with your child. Of course, for most, the good far outweigh the bad. But every once in a while you experience a GREAT day with your child - a series of moments that you will hold in your heart forever and remember on those bad days. Today was one of those days for me. It wasn't because we went anywhere special, because it was a day of running errands. And it wasn't because anything remarkable happened - it was because of the little things. Whether it was my frame of mind, my attitude or his - it all worked today and by the end of the day, as I rocked him before bed, I could not help but cry in gratitude for my sweet baby boy.

I love you, little boy, because you give me hope in the hard times and you fill my heart with joy. You are a light on my dark moments and the laughter that fills my days. You have shown me more about who God is and why He loves me than anything else I have encountered in my 29 years. You are sweet and kind and loving beyond condition. Little boy, you have been my reason for trying harder, standing stronger and trusting more. When I was tempted to give in, your love for me and your faith in me to provide for you and keep you safe and lead the way, made me keep going just a little farther. I am so proud of you, my little boy, because you are growing in to a happy, confident and loving person. And today was a great day, my love, because I spent it holding you, laughing with you, watching you and playing with you. I love you for all that you are, and I thank you for allowing me to be super-mom in your eyes, even with all my faults. I am thankful for you, everyday, in every way, even in your terrible tantrums and stubborn fits. Today, little boy I am thankful for:
the way you lovingly touch my face when you need to be comforted, the way you pat my hand as you are starting to fall asleep, the sentences you are starting to speak, your willingness to "help" in the kitchen, your sweetness when you cracked the eggs on the floor, our "I love you" shouting matches, your firm hugs in the grocery store, your sweet songs in the car, your need to have me see everything you see and do everything you do and the simple fact that you want me where you are. For all of these reasons, and so many more, you make my cup runneth over. Little boy, you have changed my world.


So, today was a GREAT day. It was made even sweeter by the knowledge that he is leaving tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with his dad. And I will miss him every second. Luke used his big boy potty today and was so excited when he did. Nana, Paw Paw and I celebrated like idiots and Luke could not stop grinning. These dorky parent-moments make every day so interesting and exciting.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you enjoy your family, friends and feasts.


  1. What a sweet post in honor of your son - I cried. I hope you copy this and put it away for him another day. Luke is a very lucky boy to have a Mommy who has stayed strong in the storm to keep him safe, happy and secure. I am thankful daily for you: the mother you are, for the godly traits you let shine through you, and for your love and concern for me. May God bless you in extraordinary ways.

  2. Beautiful post, Les! Seriously, Sylvia is right, you need to write this down for him and put it in his baby book so he can read it one day - maybe he'll be a sappy, emotional guy just like his mom :)
