Monday, August 24, 2009

What's with today, today?

Well, 2 BIG things happened today. This:

And this:

After I woke up last night with Luke standing beside my bed, I decided it was time for him to transition to a "big boy" bed. This was about safety more than anything else because I spent Sunday night awake from the hours of 12:45 and 4:15 am trying to fight my son in an effort to get him to sleep in his bed all night. I hope I am winning by degrees. I have the puffy eyes and fatigue to show for it... if nothing else. But I think: if at first you don't suceed, try try again.

As for my first day of school... all I can say is that it was a wake up call. I sat through my 2 hours and 45 minutes of College Algebra only to have the fact that I haven't taken a math course in nine years blatantly pointed out to me. I was lost for abotu a third of the class and then I miraculously found my bearings right before I started a panic attack. No clear prognosis on how the semester will turn out for me but I will be that little engine that could. And I will chugg, chugg, chugg away. So, to summarize, my first day back in school was both fun and horrendous. Interesting.

1 comment:

  1. well, you can always call your sister who reads your algebra book for fun, for help. Or jacob, but NOT ME! i stink at math.

    love ya!
