Friday, March 5, 2010


So, I last wrote about high school and how we have a like-hate relationship. Well, after further thought I have come to another theory that will lead to some more painful admissions. I am pretty obsessed with teen dramas. It goes beyond watching the CW, although I do very much appreciate the things it has to offer. I also love Twilight and Mean Girls and anything that has to do with the high school culture. I enjoy Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and all of the angst that goes with growing up and finding your own. I like first kisses and new loves and all of those first-time feeings. I always considered this to be relatively normal behavior (for a girl at least). And then I wrote that other blog about higth school and the counselor in me took notice. One thing led to another and the next thing I know I am assessing my life and deciding that I have a high-school complex. This is not scientific or based in any concrete evidence, it is just a gut feeling. It seems that maybe my high school days were not fulfilling enough for me. Maybe I didn't particpate enough in school spirit or try hard enough to "make friends". And now, I am stuck living my high school days through someone elses eyes. It is possible that I am watching and reading these teenage lives with such vigor and excitment because they make up for what I was lacking. These stories complete me. Not really. I think it all boils down to the fact that I never stopped to enjoy it. I wanted so badly to go through it that I did not look around. I had blinders on and I missed just being a teenager. My parents are pretty thrilled that I took that approach and for the most part so am I. Still, I don't even own a yearbook. Not one, in the four years I went to high school. For me it is just easier, and more fun, to watch the CW and all the dramatic and highly implausible situations those crazy kids get themselves into.


  1. Im pretty sure I have a high-school complex too! I love Glee, and loved OTH more when they were in hs. I dont at ALL want to go back to hs, but I love the drama that high schoolers on tv experience.
    -side note-

  2. Long live One Tree Hill.

  3. Alright. OTH fans unite. We are a dying breed.
