Monday, October 19, 2009

2nd verse, same as the first

This post comes to you courtesy of two different inspirations. First, I have a 2 year old (in case you haven't heard) who is smack dab in the middle of the mentality that if it ain't broke don't fix it. This belief comes through on a daily basis in the following way: the watching and re-watching of the same movie. In reality, he has a very impressive library of animated DVD's. But ... there are only about 3 of those that have been deemed worthy enough to make the rotation: Cars, Finding Nemo and Toy Story (he remains loyal to the Pixar brand). I have seen each of these movies more times than I care to admit and I would kill any of you in a movie quote challenge of any of those three. So there is that motivator and then there is the Office. I recently saw an episode of the Office (now in syndication) about a fire. While the staff was waiting for the air to clear, they played some games. One of these was the game "desert island". The idea is that if you were on a desert island and could only bring 5 ______ (insert books, movies, Cd's, etc) what would they be. So... because I have movies on the brain, and also because I love a good game, I give you my desert island movies. These aren't necessarily favorite movies, but movies that I could indeed watch over and over again and still be entertained. Bear in mind, these movies are listed in no particular order.

1. Somethings Gotta Give

2. The Breakfast Club

3. Big Fish

4. Chicago

5. The Notebook

You can agree with me, judge me or flat out hate my choices. But it doesn't matter because it's my island and it's deserted. Which means, I am only aiming to entertain myself. However, I am very interested in what your list would be. So if you are feeling adventurous, or bored, and you want to share your thoughts I am all ears.


  1. Gone With The Wind
    Fried Green Tomatoes
    Phantom of the Opera
    When Harry Met Sally
    Italian Job

  2. Good Will Hunting
    Grumpy Old Men
    And that's all I can think of - I suck at this game!

  3. Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
    Pretty Woman
    Pride and Predjudice
    Redeeming Love (book)
    ...I'm sure I'm missing something but oh well! :)
