Monday, July 13, 2009

What's Cookin' in our Kitchen

Today was such a Monday. It was hard to wake up and then it just seemed to go on and on. I got some things checked off of my to-do list and made room for some impromptu things. I think the high in Houston was 105 today. That is ridiculous! So I let me son swim in the backyard while I sweat it out reading my book. And wouldn't you know that after all the trouble of blowing the pool up and filling it with water, Luke only swam in the pool for a total of 5 minutes of the hour we were out there. He was much more interested in the swing set and the playhouse, which he plays with everyday. Oh well.

Speaking of my kiddo. Today marked a milestone... he climbed out of his crib after nap time. I guess I took too long to respond to his calls on the monitor. But when I threw open his bedroom door, it hit him in the head and knocked him on the floor. I was not expecting him to be behind the door. And for the life of me I don't know how he climbed out of there. He had a heck of a red bump on his head for about 30 minutes though.
And... Luke is talking up a storm now. He refers to himself as "boy", in pictures he can identify everyone and then when you point to him he says "boy". He will also identify his cup as "boy's". It is so funny how their little minds work. Lately he has also become very fond of the word "sleepy" and "tired". He climbs into the bed and lays down and says "I'm sleepy, momma". But really he just lays down and pretends to sleep and is up after a few seconds. It is a trick. I learned that pretty quickly. But the interesting part is that when he is pretending to sleep he does this sound that I have come to identify as snoring. I am 100% positive that he has picked this up from me and has associated that with the lullaby of sleep. How embarrassing.

Oh and one last baby anecdote for the day... Luke has these two animals that stay in his recliner all the time: Elmo and his dad's old teddy bear. Today he brought them both to the bed and wanted to put them to sleep. He laid them under the covers and said, "shhh, Elmo sleepy". So we whispered for a while. And then he picked Elmo up and, at my prompting, gave him a hug and a kiss. It was so sweet. He carried that Elmo around for a while this morning just loving in him and patting his back while he slept. I just love watching him interact with his world and imitate what he sees.

Overall it was a pretty descent Monday. Here's hoping that the rest of the week runs as smooth. My parents are in San Fransisco on vacation this week and so I am missing them. But Rachel and I have Harry Potter on Wednesday and I am psyched about that. I'm sure you will hear more from me this week. Until then...

1 comment:

  1. He is growing too fast! Almost time for big boy bed. I need Grammy time to catch up.
